Thursday, February 21, 2008


So today was a very icy situation. Upon hearing the news at 12:30 at work, our office closed and I headed for the parking lot to attempt to scrape the sheet of ice off my car. I really wished that I had socks on because with every step I took across the parking lot, shards of ice squished into my shoes. I finally got the majority of ice off of my car, when I received a phone call from dad on my cell phone. He insisted that he was going to pick me up from work, so I wouldn't have to worry about slipping and sliding over the roads. He has a huge 4x4 SUV so driving on a day like this would be like a walk in the park. So I sat and waited for him and started knitting. I finally completed my first sock ever!! Now it needs a friend, so I started on the other sock for my right foot. I was really glad that my dad drove me home, I heard people sliding through intersections and all sorts of madness. I was thinking to myself on the way home as we passed through our neighborhood, that today is not a fun day for kids to go home early from school because it's not at all snowy and fun, its icy and icky - its an ICE Day instead of a Snow day. Now that I am knitting a pair of socks, I will be able to brave the next ice storm.

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