Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mucho Inspiracion

I stopped by Border's last night to thumb through some great books. I stumbled upon one book that was so inspirational and fun. It's called "The Big Ass Book of Crafts" by Mark Montano. He really had some wonderful ideas! So I bought it and I am going to look through the whole book and get inspired!! Keep checking back to my esty shop because I have some wonderful new things in the works!

As for my socks, they are coming a long quite nicely I think. Slowly but surely, I will have a little friend to put on my right foot. (My left foot is warm, but my right foot is still cold!)


Anonymous said...

Cute earrings, very fun! That ice sounds scary, be careful!

GiDu said...

Thanks! The ice was pretty bad, it was ice falling from the sky instead of snow or rain, so it was really wierd. Everything is pretty much melted for the most part.